Thursday, October 27, 2011


Ch. 6 Religion


Lesson 1: Universalizing and Ethnic Religions
Country Data: Look up the major religions practiced in your country. Which are Ethnic? Which are universal?

Lesson 2: Diffusion of Religion & Traits of religious practice
Where did your country's religion most likely come from? Or, if ethnic, which other countries share this religion, if any?

Lesson 3: Religious spaces
Research one major religious space or site within your country (church/cathedral/pagoda/statue/location, etc)

Article: Modern Religious Spaces

Examine modern spaces for each religion and determine how well they conform to traditional models

Lesson 4: Religious Conflict
Article: Sunni  Shiite potential Conflict during Hajj

Religious background
Religious Issues

Pg. 195-196 : What makes Jews an exception to the rules regarding diffusion of ethnic religion?
Pg. 200-201: Compare and Contrast each religious calendar described. What role does it play for each religion?

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Ch. 5 Language

Ch. 5- Language
Bold items need to be looked up for your country 
Lesson 1: Intro to Language and English Dialects
What is the language of your chosen country? Is it an “official language”, are there more than one “official” languages? Are there any regional dialects?
Lesson 2: World Languages
What are the other languages around your country? Based on your classwork, how are these languages related to one another? Or, if they're not, where did they come from?
Pgs. 161-67
Using the in-class organizer, break down the various world regional language families

Lesson 3: World language issues

Lesson 4: “Standard” English

Assigned readings 
Include these answers with your articles when turning them in.
       174: English on the internet.
       Why is English the dominant language on the internet? Do you predict that this will change? Why or why not?
       176-177: The future of Fr and Sp in America:
       How does the reaction to non-english languages differ between the USA and Quebec? What might account for this difference?

 151: Differences between British and American English
       Explain how this divergence occurred, especially the role played by webster

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Culture Ch. 4

AP Human Geography
Ch. 4- Culture

Lesson 1: Folk vs Popular culture
For your country, Identify elements of it's culture (do not include language, religion, or race/ethnicity) Here
This includes political and material culture.

Jack O'Lanterns! article

Lesson 2: Diffusion
Lesson 3: Culture and the Physical Environment
Look up your country's cultural foods using this website

Lesson 4: Effects of and on popular culture
Determine if your country has a MacDonald's using this website
If yes: What does this indicated about the influx of popular culture in your country?
If no: Why not?

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

World History Current Events Wednesday Photo Sites

Here are a few sites that will help you search for your "iconic" photo.

Ince you've found your photo, right click and elect copy, open microsoft word, paste it into a new document, resize if you need to, and print it.

Getty News Photography

Reuter's News Photos

Yahoo News Photos

National Geographic

Google Images

Time Magazine

The London Telegraph

Monday, September 12, 2011

CH. 3 Migration

Lesson: Push/Pull Factors
What push/pull factors might be influencing immigration into and out of your country?
Lesson: Net in/Out Migration, Demographics of a "typical migrant", International migration and distance decay
Does your country have Net in or out migration? Why?

Lesson: Historical US Migration patterns
What percentage of your country’s immigrants are refugees? Given what you know about them, where are they most likely fleeing from?

Lesson: Migration within one country

Friday, September 2, 2011

Population Pyramids

Go to the US Census Page

Choose your country and 2011 and hit "submit"

Choose the yellow tab that says "population pyramid"

Right click on picture and Print it out!


epidemiological transition from lecture

A break down of the reasons for death in the 4 stages of population  development

Some demographic transition information

Just a few visuals of the model with some interesting information. The first one includes visuals of population pyramids for each stage:

The second one has some qualifying information for each stage:

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

APHG Chapter 2

Lesson 1: Density: Physiological, Agricultural, and Arithmetic Density
Identify & Analyze the two densities for your country (pgs.51 & 52)

Lesson 2: Alphabet Soup: Identify the meaning and purpose of the various demographic indicators
Identify & analyze the indicators for your country

Lesson 3: Demographic Transition Model
Use your indicators to Identify which stage of the demographic transition model your country is in.

Canada's aging population

Lesson 4: Sex Ratio & Population pyramid
Identify and interpretat the population pyramid for your country

Population Issues
Demographic Transition Model

Population pyramids

Sunday, August 7, 2011

APHG Unit 1

APHG chapter 1
Unit one: maps and location
- maps & projections
- history of geography
- cognitive maps
Article: Zehng He
Use the article format found in the last post...

Unit two: locations & locating
- site, situation, and geographic location
- murder mystery
- battleship & mathematical location
Unit three: Cartographic tools
-GPS, GIS, Remote sensing. 
- arc view (computer lab) 
Use the article format found in the last post...

Unit 4: countries
- choose! 
- profile (using the CIA world fact book) 
FRQ: GPS, GIS, Remote sensing

APHG article format

So, to recap: Read these articles and Provide 1 paragraph of each:

Now, the difference between analysis and opinion:
Analysis - To break something apart to gain a better understanding. Thus, you need to look at the different important elements of the article and provide some thoughtful commentary. Example: "The fact that Zehng He was not a trader or explorer sets him apart from other historical figures. His achievements came through military action".

See how I took one part of the article and explained what its larger importance was?

Opinion- This is where you tell me your fuzzy feelings. What I don't want: I liked, disliked, etc. What I DO want: Parts you found interesting and why. Using the same example above:

"I never considered that military conquest could lead to exploration. But it makes sense now, since during this time much was unexplored."

Yes, the opinion section should be written in 1st person.

Yes, these MUST be done in your notebook. No exceptions

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

AP Euro Ch 30.... Modern Europe

Ch 30 AP Euro Vocab & Reading
Pg. 1035-1035: Existentialism
Pg. 1040- Environmentalism
Pg. 1040-1041- Art since WWII
  1. Governments that recognize that insuring the people against risk was a right for all
  2. Female British Prime Minister that successfully pushed conservative policies in the 1980s
  3. The push for equal rights for women
  4. An intellectual movement that rejected “reason” and encouraged people to build their own values without outside influence
  5. The term used to describe the increasing cultural influence of America on Europe in the 20th century
  6. A liberal movement in Germany that was anti-capitalist and anti-corporate.
  7. The term used to describe the return to highly traditional religious practices
  8. The popular anti-commiunist pope of the late 20th century
  9. The early free-trade union that set the foundation of European Unification (NOT the coal and steel community!)
  10.  The treaty the reformed the Coal and Steel Community 
  11. The new body that united politics, foriegn policy, currency, trade, and banking in Europe. 

Friday, March 18, 2011


1. divide a paper into four boxes:

Hungary                    East Germany

Czechoslovakia       Poland

Using pages 1006-1008, describe the revolutions against the soviet union in each box

2. Describe each event/person

Galstnost (1006)
Perestroika (1005)
Coup (rebellion) against Gorbechav (1011)
War in Afghanistan (994)

Then, EXPLAIN how each led to the fall of the Soviet Union. EXPLAIN which YOU think was most important and why. 

AP Euro ch. 29 Reading/vocab


Ch. 29 Cold War Vocab & reading

Pg. 987-988 Creation of the State of Israel
Pg 989-992 The Kruschev Era
Pg. 1009-1010 The Collapse of the Soviet Union

  1. The term used to refer to the pseudo military bi-polar conflict between the USA and USSR in the late 20th century.
  2. The US Policy of halting the spread of communism
  3. The US plan to rebuild western Europe to prevent the spread of communism
  4. The US defensive military alliance with Western Europe
  5. The Soviet defensive military alliance with Eastern Europe
  6. The soviet attempt to gain control over the capital of Germany
  7. The new Jewish, pro-western state in the middle east
  8. A conflict between northern communist and southern western forces that involved the new United Nations
  9. The soviet premier who began a policy of “de-stalinization”
  10. The conflict between the US and USSR involving secret soviet missiles in the western hemisphere
  11. The perceived right of the Soviets to interfere in the internal affairs of other communist countries
  12. The Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 to stamp out liberal communism
  13. The polish anti-communist pro union political party
  14. The Indian leader who pushed for independence prior to WWII
  15. The country separated from India due to religious tensions
  16. The former French colony that gained it’s independence under the French 5th republic
  17. The southeast Asian country where the conflict against communism dragged the Americans into an unwinnable war
  18. The Soviet premier whose liberal reforms led to the end of communism.
  19. The new policy of “restructuring” that reduced the size and importance of the Soviet government in the economy
  20. The policy of “openness” that allowed limited criticism of the Soviet government for the first time.
  21. The “soft” revolution that led to a split up of Czechoslovakia
  22. The fall of this wall signified the reunification of Germany

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

AP Euro Analysis questions home front

What is common among all four home fronts?
What is unique about britains experience?
Where is Germany getting slave labor?
Which country do you think is the worst off? Why?
What after effects will the war leave in each country? Predict.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

AP Psych Sample free response questions

Due to demand, I am posting the past AP Psych FRQs. EAch year has the question, answer, and sample student responses that received different grades. Have fun.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Bureaucracy Chapter.... Articles TBA

Unit 1: What ARE Bureaucrats?
Article: TBA
Pre-reading: 468-475

Unit 2: Structure of the Bureaucracy
Pre-reading: 475-480
Article: To regulate, or not to regulate?

Unit 3: Implementation and Regulation
Pre-reading: 480-492
article: regulating trans-fat

Unit 4: Relationships with the Bureaucracy
Pre-reading: 493-499

Monday, February 28, 2011

AP Euro Ch 27

Ch. 27 reading and vocab:

  • Pg. 921-924- Women’s Lives & Nazi Economic Policy
  • Pg.930-931:Soviet Cities & Shortages
  • Pg. 919-920: Police State & Anti-Semitism

1.     German Chancellor who was responsible for ending the Ruhr resistance and controlling inflation
2.     German chancellor who rebuilt Germany’s international reputation
3.     WWI veteran and failed artist who’s charismatic speaking style helped him rise to power in Germany
4.     The bombastic speaker and party leader of Italy, who becomes prime minister by appointment
5.     Political system revolving around anti-democratic measures and centralized authority
6.     German political party led by Hitler, similar to Italy’s but with strong racist undercurrents
7.     The plan the reorganized German reparations with American support
8.     The economic theory, opposite of laissez faire, which push government to spend large amounts of money to return people to work during an economic crisis
9.     The government formed by the British during the great depression, which was made up of liberals, conservatives, and socialists. Strong government control of the economy
10.  The pro-labor socialist/communist government found in France during the depression
11.  The law which allowed Hitler to rule by presidential decree
12.  Hitler’s “thugs”, also known as the brown shirts
13.  Hitler’s more elite “storm troopers”
14.  The set of anti-jewish laws passed by Nazi Germany
15.  Stalin’s efforts to rapidly industrialize the Soviet Union
16.  Stalin’s plan for government control of agricultural production; caused massive starvation
17.  The semi-wealthy farmers who resisted Stalin’s agricultural plans and were sent to labor camps
18.  Hitler’s plan for the removal of Jews from European life and society
19.  The soviet concentration labor camps
20.  Stalin’s efforts to remove rivals and old Bolsheviks with false trials and executions
21.  The soviet efforts to use art to portray a positive soviet society
22.  Hitler’s program to prepare children for future Nazi membership and war
23.  A lack of belief in any religion

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

AP Euro Ch 36 Vocab

Reading and Vocab Ch. 26


  1. Pg. 878-879 “Postwar Economic Problems”
  2. Pg. 900-902 Hitler’s Early Years
  3. Pg. 903-904 Locarno

  1. Soviet secret police
  2. Lenin’s strongly communist (and strongly unpopular) economic policy
  3. Lenin’s revised soviet economic policy, represented a retreat from communist purity
  4. The leader of the Red Army and radical communist; vied for power after Lenin’s death
  5. The brutal Communist party secretary who’s political control won him control of the Soviet Union
  6. The Liberal French political party that rose to power in the 1920’s
  7. A region of Germany who’s industrial strength was used by the French in lieu of reparations payments
  8. The name for France’s alliance with the small Eastern states
  9. The new, socialist liberal political party that rose in Great Britain in the 1920’s
  10. The massive industrial shutdown in Great Britain that demonstrated the growing power of labor.
  11. The name for the new eastern European countries that were created by the Versailles treaty
  12. The ideal that led to a new map of Eastern Europe after Versailles, which pushes for countries to choose their own governments to represent their national interests
  13. The name of the German Govt after WWI
  14. The term used to describe the devaluation of currency
  15. The name of the new German government after WWI

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Presidential Unit DONE!

Unit 1: Presidential Powers
Pre-Reading Unit 1: 392- 400
Article:  One and Two read both and compare in your response.
In class article on presidential powers
Video clips

Unit 2: Structure of the Executive
Pre- Reading: 400- 408
Article Role of Chief of Staff
lecture on structure

Unit 3: Roles of the President (LOOONG UNIT)
Pre-reading 1: 408-416
Pre-reading 2: 416- 430
Article 1: Midterm Myths
Article 2: War Powers Act debate. Two pages
*Note: This article is by the two opposing heads of the Bush and Gore recount campaigns!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Judiciary Unit

Unit 1: Structure of the Courts
District, appellate, supreme courts
Pre-reading: 504-511

Unit 1 Article: Revisiting the Healthcare law in the courts

Unit 2: Judicial Nominations process
Constructionism vs activism
CLUES Article
West Wing'
Backgrounds of judges
Pre-reading: 512-520

Unit 2 Article: Stephen Colbert criticizes judicial constructionism (video)
Transcript sent home.

Unit 3: Courts setting policy

Pre-Reading: 520-527
Unit 3 Article: McDonald V Chicago & Gun Rights

Unit 4:  Former courts
Pre-reading: 527-532

Unit 4 Article: The Roberts Court

AP euro Ch 25 Vocab

PG. 829- Motives for new Imperialism
Pg. 833-835- North Africa, Egypt, Belgian Congo
Pg. 838- 839 Bismarck’s Leadership THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT
Pg. 867: Evaluating the peace
  1. The conquest and domination of a country’s culture, politics, and economy
  2. The three reasons for a country dominating another
  3. The african tribe whose rebellion led to the British obliterating them
  4. The African king who westernized his country rather than be conquered
  5. The rebellious colonial soldiers from India in the British Army
  6. The dynasty responsible for modernizing Japan
  7. The Chinese anti-foreign rebellion
  8. The Chinese leader responsible for westernizing China
  9. The German Chancellor who’s alliance system kept peace in Europe
  10. The German “Kaiser” whose aggressive foreign policy brought Europe closer to War
  11. The alliance between France, Great Britain, and Russia
  12. The alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and later, the Ottoman Empire
  13.  The crisis brought about by Germany’s territorial ambitions in Africa
  14. The Austrian Prince whose assassination brought Europe into War
  15. The war zone predominantly characterized by stalemate and Trench Warfare
  16. The war zone predominantly characterized by Russian losses and shortages
  17. The German plan that set that stage for the rest of the war.
  18. The German naval policy responsible for pushing America into war
  19. The Russian rebel who promised “peace, land, and bread”
  20. The “majority” party of soviet socialists that came to power in the Russian Revolution
  21. The treaty that ended WWI... and began WWII
  22. A sum paid by a war’s loser to it’s victor (in this case, Germany to the British/French)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Judiciary Unit

Pre-reading: 504-511 structure of the courts

More to come...

AP Euro: Ch 24 reading/vocab

Ch 24 Reading and vocab
PG. 796-797: The new reading public
Pg. 802-803- Catholic church and the modern world
Pg. 818-819- Anti-Semitism and the birth of zionism
  1. The idea that human thought progresses in stages, culminating in the development of science
  2. A natural mechanism that favors the reproduction of organisms better suited for their environment.
  3. branching off of science, this idea promotes that some races of PEOPLE are better suited to rule others. 
  4. Otto Von Bismarck’s “cultural struggle” against the influence of Catholic church in Germany
  5. An idea promoted by Einstein that says time and space change in proportion to one another 
  6. A literary movement that attempted to demonstrate the unpleasant aspects of modern life. 
  7. A new movement in the arts that promotes a new aesthetic view of the world. 
  8. An artistic movement that presented to world in a unfocused view of a single moment.
  9. Artists that reject that art must reflect reality
  10. A german philosopher who rejects modern morality and society, instead promoting human life without limits
  11. The father of modern psychoanalysis
  12. The three elements of the human subconscious, according to psychoanalysis
  13.  Man who believed that the creation of social systems and bureaucracy was the driving force in history
  14.  The tendency of some people to look down upon others due to race
  15.  Anti-jewish racism
  16.  A socio-political movement to make women equal in the eyes of the law and sexuality.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Last Congress Unit Article

Here it is. It looks long, but it's an interview with Boehner about the state of the union address and his views as Speaker.

If you'd rather watch it, do so here

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

AP Euro 19th Century Economics Vocab & Reading

Reading due tuesday. Quiz Quiz & Vocab Quiz Tuesday


783- Great Britain: Fabianism and EArly Welfare
784- France: Opportunism rejected
784-785- Germany: Social Democrats a& Revisionism
787-788- Lenin's Early thought and career


  1. Population philosopher who believed that population would outgrow food supply
  2. Man who believed that a minimum wage doesn’t help the poor, as they just have more children to compensate
  3. The growing class defined by their comfortable lives and disposable income
  4. The growing domestic areas outside of cities noted for clean, comfortable living
  5. The term used to describe the middle class woman’s sphere of the household
  6. The use of workers as young as 6 or 7 for their cheap wages
  7. The bill that outlawed child labor
  8. The organizations developed by workers to protect rights and safety, as well as better working conditions
  9. Father of British sanitation
  10. Scientist who developed Germ Theory
  11. Middle class women who struggle for the right to vote
  12. Term for the small business owners and shopkeepers in the lower middle class
  13.  The idea that the means of production should be shared by the community as a whole
  14.  The economic system that uses the free market and competition to determine ownership
  15.  A centrally planned economy in which forced equality provided the basic needs to all people without competition or wealth
  16.  A version of socialism in which the workers become self aware and take violent control of the means of production

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

State of the Union + AP = AWESOME

Ok, so you still have to watch it, but...


Instead, I will be giving a short answer quiz on Friday. Be prepared to discuss tomorrow (Wed).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The unbearable lightness of being a doofus.

So, teenagers, once again, a few of you have managed to irk me and caused the rest to suffer. Fantastic. Always a testament to the amazing potential of mankind to screw up a good thing.

You must now be a registered user to post comments. I have had to delete/moderate idiotic comments by students who have nothing better to do.

This is why we can't have nice things.

*stalks off grumbling*

AP Euro: Ch 21/22 politics Vocab & reading

Quiz and vocab quiz WEDNESDAY, the 26th

g. 732: The Crimean war & Peace settlement
Pg. 738: The New Italian State
Pg. 756: The Irish Question
Pg. 745-746: The Dreyfus Affair

  1. Liberal revolutions that broke out throughout continental Europe and saw universal liberal failure. 
  2. The Chancellor of Prussia and Leader of German unification through “Blood and Iron”
  3. The Prime Minister of Piedmont who drive Italian Unification through international diplomacy
  4. The “Romantic Republican” who led nationalist military forces to unification and victory in Italy
  5. War caused by Russian expansion into south eastern Europe, tested the balance of power in
  6. Europe and helped bring Italy to the national stage.
  7. The politician whose famous name allowed him to become elected to lead France, later to create the second Empire as a dictator.
  8. The war which excluded Austria from German Affairs (BOTH names)
  9. The war in which victory brought final German unification.
  10. The idea that some ethnic Germans should be excluded from unification
  11. After the fall of the second Empire, this radical socialist government briefly rose to power
  12. The name of France’s republican government after the fall of the Commun
  13. An event that laid bare the anti-jewish bias of modern Europe
  14. The event that created a shared monarchy between Austria and Hungary
  15. This increased again the franchise in Great Britain, creating a more representative government. 
  16. The name of the on again, off again CONSERVATIVE prime minister in Great Britain
  17. The name of the on again, off again LIBERAL prime minister in Great Britain

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Congress Unit

Section 1: Basics of Congress


Pre-Reading Notes: Pg. 354-364
Article: Hey, Congress: Keep Your Day Jobs

Section 2: Organization of Congress
Characteristics of Houses
Leadership & Caucasus
Committees & Subcommittees
How a bill becomes a Law (Flow chart)

Pre reading notes: 366-375
Article: 4 amendments and a funeral (I will try to get a better looking version up)
WARNING: There's a touch of foul language in this article. If this offends you, I will offer an alternative. See me.

Section 3: Congress & the budget process
Acts & Reforms
Balancing the budget: computer lab activity

Pre-reading: 455-459
Article: Are Democrats the Party of "No"?

For more information in the Debt Ceiling, go HERE

Section 4: Congress' Relationships with other linkage groups
Congress & the President
Congress & The Party/ Electorate
Congress & Lobbyists/ Interest Groups

Pre Reading: 378-383
Article: TBA


Computer Lab Days: 1/18, 1/21

Monday, January 10, 2011

AP Euro: Ch. 20 Reading and Vocab

Nationalism: 658-659, 662 the relationship of of nationalism and conservatism

The spanish Revolution of 1820: 670-671

Revolutions in Greece and serbia: 672-673

Independence in New Spain & Brazil 677-678


1.  An extreme pride in one’s nation and a major driving force of 19th century politics
2.  Reformists who were inspired by the ideals of the enlightenment; usually middle class, educated property holders
3.  A group made up of an alliance between the church, the wealthy, and the monarchy to preserve the social and political traditions of Europe
4.  German student groups united behind liberal reforms
5.  The acts which dissolved the liberal German student groups and increased university censorship
6.  A series of taxes on imported grain that kept English grain prices high and left high bread prices for the common workers
7.  A series of English laws that were designed to give the government new power to suppress liberal activities.
8.  French supporters of the monarchy who persuade Louis XVIII to abandon Liberal Reforms.
9.  Leader of the Haitian Revolution
10. Leaders of the South American Revolutions
11. Two social groups in Pre-Revolutionary South America
12. South American Political Committees
13. The Russian Tsar who’s dictator like policies left no doubt of his power.
14. A group of Russian soldiers who protested in favor of a constitution and a more moderate tsar; they ultimately failed
15. The 1830 revolution in France that led to the abdication of the king and the more moderate rule of Louis Philip
16. A law that increased the number of people in Great Britain who could vote, but kept the requirement that voters hold property