Wednesday, January 19, 2011

AP Euro: Ch 21/22 politics Vocab & reading

Quiz and vocab quiz WEDNESDAY, the 26th

g. 732: The Crimean war & Peace settlement
Pg. 738: The New Italian State
Pg. 756: The Irish Question
Pg. 745-746: The Dreyfus Affair

  1. Liberal revolutions that broke out throughout continental Europe and saw universal liberal failure. 
  2. The Chancellor of Prussia and Leader of German unification through “Blood and Iron”
  3. The Prime Minister of Piedmont who drive Italian Unification through international diplomacy
  4. The “Romantic Republican” who led nationalist military forces to unification and victory in Italy
  5. War caused by Russian expansion into south eastern Europe, tested the balance of power in
  6. Europe and helped bring Italy to the national stage.
  7. The politician whose famous name allowed him to become elected to lead France, later to create the second Empire as a dictator.
  8. The war which excluded Austria from German Affairs (BOTH names)
  9. The war in which victory brought final German unification.
  10. The idea that some ethnic Germans should be excluded from unification
  11. After the fall of the second Empire, this radical socialist government briefly rose to power
  12. The name of France’s republican government after the fall of the Commun
  13. An event that laid bare the anti-jewish bias of modern Europe
  14. The event that created a shared monarchy between Austria and Hungary
  15. This increased again the franchise in Great Britain, creating a more representative government. 
  16. The name of the on again, off again CONSERVATIVE prime minister in Great Britain
  17. The name of the on again, off again LIBERAL prime minister in Great Britain

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