Wednesday, January 26, 2011

AP Euro 19th Century Economics Vocab & Reading

Reading due tuesday. Quiz Quiz & Vocab Quiz Tuesday


783- Great Britain: Fabianism and EArly Welfare
784- France: Opportunism rejected
784-785- Germany: Social Democrats a& Revisionism
787-788- Lenin's Early thought and career


  1. Population philosopher who believed that population would outgrow food supply
  2. Man who believed that a minimum wage doesn’t help the poor, as they just have more children to compensate
  3. The growing class defined by their comfortable lives and disposable income
  4. The growing domestic areas outside of cities noted for clean, comfortable living
  5. The term used to describe the middle class woman’s sphere of the household
  6. The use of workers as young as 6 or 7 for their cheap wages
  7. The bill that outlawed child labor
  8. The organizations developed by workers to protect rights and safety, as well as better working conditions
  9. Father of British sanitation
  10. Scientist who developed Germ Theory
  11. Middle class women who struggle for the right to vote
  12. Term for the small business owners and shopkeepers in the lower middle class
  13.  The idea that the means of production should be shared by the community as a whole
  14.  The economic system that uses the free market and competition to determine ownership
  15.  A centrally planned economy in which forced equality provided the basic needs to all people without competition or wealth
  16.  A version of socialism in which the workers become self aware and take violent control of the means of production

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