Friday, March 18, 2011

AP Euro ch. 29 Reading/vocab


Ch. 29 Cold War Vocab & reading

Pg. 987-988 Creation of the State of Israel
Pg 989-992 The Kruschev Era
Pg. 1009-1010 The Collapse of the Soviet Union

  1. The term used to refer to the pseudo military bi-polar conflict between the USA and USSR in the late 20th century.
  2. The US Policy of halting the spread of communism
  3. The US plan to rebuild western Europe to prevent the spread of communism
  4. The US defensive military alliance with Western Europe
  5. The Soviet defensive military alliance with Eastern Europe
  6. The soviet attempt to gain control over the capital of Germany
  7. The new Jewish, pro-western state in the middle east
  8. A conflict between northern communist and southern western forces that involved the new United Nations
  9. The soviet premier who began a policy of “de-stalinization”
  10. The conflict between the US and USSR involving secret soviet missiles in the western hemisphere
  11. The perceived right of the Soviets to interfere in the internal affairs of other communist countries
  12. The Soviet invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968 to stamp out liberal communism
  13. The polish anti-communist pro union political party
  14. The Indian leader who pushed for independence prior to WWII
  15. The country separated from India due to religious tensions
  16. The former French colony that gained it’s independence under the French 5th republic
  17. The southeast Asian country where the conflict against communism dragged the Americans into an unwinnable war
  18. The Soviet premier whose liberal reforms led to the end of communism.
  19. The new policy of “restructuring” that reduced the size and importance of the Soviet government in the economy
  20. The policy of “openness” that allowed limited criticism of the Soviet government for the first time.
  21. The “soft” revolution that led to a split up of Czechoslovakia
  22. The fall of this wall signified the reunification of Germany

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