Monday, February 28, 2011

AP Euro Ch 27

Ch. 27 reading and vocab:

  • Pg. 921-924- Women’s Lives & Nazi Economic Policy
  • Pg.930-931:Soviet Cities & Shortages
  • Pg. 919-920: Police State & Anti-Semitism

1.     German Chancellor who was responsible for ending the Ruhr resistance and controlling inflation
2.     German chancellor who rebuilt Germany’s international reputation
3.     WWI veteran and failed artist who’s charismatic speaking style helped him rise to power in Germany
4.     The bombastic speaker and party leader of Italy, who becomes prime minister by appointment
5.     Political system revolving around anti-democratic measures and centralized authority
6.     German political party led by Hitler, similar to Italy’s but with strong racist undercurrents
7.     The plan the reorganized German reparations with American support
8.     The economic theory, opposite of laissez faire, which push government to spend large amounts of money to return people to work during an economic crisis
9.     The government formed by the British during the great depression, which was made up of liberals, conservatives, and socialists. Strong government control of the economy
10.  The pro-labor socialist/communist government found in France during the depression
11.  The law which allowed Hitler to rule by presidential decree
12.  Hitler’s “thugs”, also known as the brown shirts
13.  Hitler’s more elite “storm troopers”
14.  The set of anti-jewish laws passed by Nazi Germany
15.  Stalin’s efforts to rapidly industrialize the Soviet Union
16.  Stalin’s plan for government control of agricultural production; caused massive starvation
17.  The semi-wealthy farmers who resisted Stalin’s agricultural plans and were sent to labor camps
18.  Hitler’s plan for the removal of Jews from European life and society
19.  The soviet concentration labor camps
20.  Stalin’s efforts to remove rivals and old Bolsheviks with false trials and executions
21.  The soviet efforts to use art to portray a positive soviet society
22.  Hitler’s program to prepare children for future Nazi membership and war
23.  A lack of belief in any religion

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