Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Congress Unit

Section 1: Basics of Congress


Pre-Reading Notes: Pg. 354-364
Article: Hey, Congress: Keep Your Day Jobs

Section 2: Organization of Congress
Characteristics of Houses
Leadership & Caucasus
Committees & Subcommittees
How a bill becomes a Law (Flow chart)

Pre reading notes: 366-375
Article: 4 amendments and a funeral (I will try to get a better looking version up)
WARNING: There's a touch of foul language in this article. If this offends you, I will offer an alternative. See me.

Section 3: Congress & the budget process
Acts & Reforms
Balancing the budget: computer lab activity

Pre-reading: 455-459
Article: Are Democrats the Party of "No"?

For more information in the Debt Ceiling, go HERE

Section 4: Congress' Relationships with other linkage groups
Congress & the President
Congress & The Party/ Electorate
Congress & Lobbyists/ Interest Groups

Pre Reading: 378-383
Article: TBA


Computer Lab Days: 1/18, 1/21

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