Monday, January 10, 2011

AP Euro: Ch. 20 Reading and Vocab

Nationalism: 658-659, 662 the relationship of of nationalism and conservatism

The spanish Revolution of 1820: 670-671

Revolutions in Greece and serbia: 672-673

Independence in New Spain & Brazil 677-678


1.  An extreme pride in one’s nation and a major driving force of 19th century politics
2.  Reformists who were inspired by the ideals of the enlightenment; usually middle class, educated property holders
3.  A group made up of an alliance between the church, the wealthy, and the monarchy to preserve the social and political traditions of Europe
4.  German student groups united behind liberal reforms
5.  The acts which dissolved the liberal German student groups and increased university censorship
6.  A series of taxes on imported grain that kept English grain prices high and left high bread prices for the common workers
7.  A series of English laws that were designed to give the government new power to suppress liberal activities.
8.  French supporters of the monarchy who persuade Louis XVIII to abandon Liberal Reforms.
9.  Leader of the Haitian Revolution
10. Leaders of the South American Revolutions
11. Two social groups in Pre-Revolutionary South America
12. South American Political Committees
13. The Russian Tsar who’s dictator like policies left no doubt of his power.
14. A group of Russian soldiers who protested in favor of a constitution and a more moderate tsar; they ultimately failed
15. The 1830 revolution in France that led to the abdication of the king and the more moderate rule of Louis Philip
16. A law that increased the number of people in Great Britain who could vote, but kept the requirement that voters hold property


  1. on the essay/story we had to do over break we had to double space..meaning we have to press enter 2 times or 1 time after each line?

  2. Mikey: It means you go to the settings and change it to double space. If there's no space in bewteen each line, hit enter. Ask your parents for help.

  3. is francois-dominque the leader of the Haitians?

  4. were decembrists russian soldiers?

  5. were ultra royalists supporters of french monarchyandand persuade Louis xviiito abandon liberal reforms? # 14

  6. when were we suppose to turn in chapter 20 vocab?


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