Monday, April 7, 2014

Cold War New Broadcast

During the cold war, the US and Soviet Union were prevented from engaging in direct warfar because of the possibility of the use of nuclear weapons.

There were several instances, however, of conflicts that occurred between the US and Soviets or the countries they supported. 

You will do four newscasts, 2-4 minutes each, ON VIDEO, that will cover four of these conflicts:

Berlin, 1948
Korea 1950
Cuban Missile Crisis, 1961
Vietnam, 1963

For each of the conflict news casts, you will have to cover the following:

Who did the US/Soviets Support?

Why/how did it start?

You will also explain 4 or so UNIQUE events for each conflict

Then, you will explain who you think "won" the conflict.

For this week, you will research the concepts and write the scripts, and choose who will read them.

I will also teach you how to record video using the chromebook. I will also accept videos recorded with phones and tablets. You're welcome to edit them as you see fit. 

some things:
All videos should include some kind of visual
Each person in the group should try and present one of the videos
All videos need to begin with a list of the first and last names of the students who worked on them. 

You can do four separate videos or do one long video. Your choice. 

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