Monday, February 6, 2012

Primary Sources

Here are some examples of places where you can get primary sources. DON'T double up in your group!

China & China (scroll down to 1900-1950) & Chinese posters & MOAR CHINA! (very bottom)

Cuba (castro's speeches) & Cuba (scroll down and click cub on the left) & Cuba (this one will take some searching through) & cuba

Germany & Germany (do NOT use the East German Stuff) & Germany again (scroll down to the 1933-1939 part) & germany (scroll down)

Soviet Union (scroll down to Stalinism) & Soviet Union & Soviet union (scroll way down to "Stalin")

Italy & Italy & Italy (scroll down to bottom)

Website with old magazine articles. GREAT resource, but ask me before printing.

Primary Source Nexus: Has a more US history focus, but maybe you can find useful sources

World History Sources: Might take some time to get to the source you want. Go explore.

Internet History Source book (Some of these have been used above, FYI)


Cuba, China, & Soviet Union Propaganda Posters

Asian History

Data showing how many people each regime killed in camps, assassinations, etc.

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