Thursday, February 16, 2012


Lesson 1: Agriculture around the world
assignment: Map activity
Movie: food, Inc.

Country Analysis 1: What type of agriculture does your country engage in?(Use this link. If that doesn't work, use THIS one)

Article: The average farmer

Lesson 2: History of & Modern Agricultural Issues

Article: Green Revolution in developing World

Country Analysis: What challenges does your country's agriculture face?

Lesson 3: The Von Thunen Model

Country Analysis: Based on your answer to the first question, how would you predict the von thunen model applies to your country?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Primary Sources

Here are some examples of places where you can get primary sources. DON'T double up in your group!

China & China (scroll down to 1900-1950) & Chinese posters & MOAR CHINA! (very bottom)

Cuba (castro's speeches) & Cuba (scroll down and click cub on the left) & Cuba (this one will take some searching through) & cuba

Germany & Germany (do NOT use the East German Stuff) & Germany again (scroll down to the 1933-1939 part) & germany (scroll down)

Soviet Union (scroll down to Stalinism) & Soviet Union & Soviet union (scroll way down to "Stalin")

Italy & Italy & Italy (scroll down to bottom)

Website with old magazine articles. GREAT resource, but ask me before printing.

Primary Source Nexus: Has a more US history focus, but maybe you can find useful sources

World History Sources: Might take some time to get to the source you want. Go explore.

Internet History Source book (Some of these have been used above, FYI)


Cuba, China, & Soviet Union Propaganda Posters

Asian History

Data showing how many people each regime killed in camps, assassinations, etc.

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Here's a few resources I found on studying and note taking that I thought were particularly effective. USe them. Don't use them. What ev'.

Note taking

