Wednesday, August 24, 2011

APHG Chapter 2

Lesson 1: Density: Physiological, Agricultural, and Arithmetic Density
Identify & Analyze the two densities for your country (pgs.51 & 52)

Lesson 2: Alphabet Soup: Identify the meaning and purpose of the various demographic indicators
Identify & analyze the indicators for your country

Lesson 3: Demographic Transition Model
Use your indicators to Identify which stage of the demographic transition model your country is in.

Canada's aging population

Lesson 4: Sex Ratio & Population pyramid
Identify and interpretat the population pyramid for your country

Population Issues
Demographic Transition Model

Population pyramids

Sunday, August 7, 2011

APHG Unit 1

APHG chapter 1
Unit one: maps and location
- maps & projections
- history of geography
- cognitive maps
Article: Zehng He
Use the article format found in the last post...

Unit two: locations & locating
- site, situation, and geographic location
- murder mystery
- battleship & mathematical location
Unit three: Cartographic tools
-GPS, GIS, Remote sensing. 
- arc view (computer lab) 
Use the article format found in the last post...

Unit 4: countries
- choose! 
- profile (using the CIA world fact book) 
FRQ: GPS, GIS, Remote sensing

APHG article format

So, to recap: Read these articles and Provide 1 paragraph of each:

Now, the difference between analysis and opinion:
Analysis - To break something apart to gain a better understanding. Thus, you need to look at the different important elements of the article and provide some thoughtful commentary. Example: "The fact that Zehng He was not a trader or explorer sets him apart from other historical figures. His achievements came through military action".

See how I took one part of the article and explained what its larger importance was?

Opinion- This is where you tell me your fuzzy feelings. What I don't want: I liked, disliked, etc. What I DO want: Parts you found interesting and why. Using the same example above:

"I never considered that military conquest could lead to exploration. But it makes sense now, since during this time much was unexplored."

Yes, the opinion section should be written in 1st person.

Yes, these MUST be done in your notebook. No exceptions