Tuesday, March 29, 2011

AP Euro Ch 30.... Modern Europe

Ch 30 AP Euro Vocab & Reading
Pg. 1035-1035: Existentialism
Pg. 1040- Environmentalism
Pg. 1040-1041- Art since WWII
  1. Governments that recognize that insuring the people against risk was a right for all
  2. Female British Prime Minister that successfully pushed conservative policies in the 1980s
  3. The push for equal rights for women
  4. An intellectual movement that rejected “reason” and encouraged people to build their own values without outside influence
  5. The term used to describe the increasing cultural influence of America on Europe in the 20th century
  6. A liberal movement in Germany that was anti-capitalist and anti-corporate.
  7. The term used to describe the return to highly traditional religious practices
  8. The popular anti-commiunist pope of the late 20th century
  9. The early free-trade union that set the foundation of European Unification (NOT the coal and steel community!)
  10.  The treaty the reformed the Coal and Steel Community 
  11. The new body that united politics, foriegn policy, currency, trade, and banking in Europe. 

1 comment:

  1. how is modern day conservative anything like what the nazis had because i thought about it and couldnt find any similarites between the two


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