Monday, March 31, 2014

Monday 3/31: Life in the US and Soviet Union after WWII

Set up your paper into four boxes and label them like this:

How America sees itself After WWII                     How the Soviet Union sees itself after WWII

How the Americans see the Soviets                     How the Soviets see the Americans

Then watch these two movies and use them to gather information for how each country sees itself:

Life in America

Life in the Soviet Union

Then, use these propaganda posters to father evidence on how each country sees the other:


A Bomb Work: FRIDAY before spring break

If you missed the assignment, do the following:

Look through THESE documents. They are evidence behind the different reasons to drop or not to drop the bomb.

On your own paper:

1. Choose the most convincing document. Write the document number.

2. Summarize what it says or shows.

3. Explain why THIS document, and not others, is the most convincing to you.

4. Would you have dropped the A Bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? Why or why not?

Please have this turned in to me no later than April 4th, Friday

A bomb Work- Thursday before Spring Break

If you missed this assignment, do the following:

divide your paper in half and label like so

Reasons TO drop the Bomb      I         Reasons NOT to drop the bomb

Use the documents HERE to list reasons on Both sides. Bullets and short statements are fine, you don't need quotes. You should have several on each side.

Please have this turned in to me no later than April 4th, Friday

Thursday, March 13, 2014

WWII Biography

1. Choose one of the names below:

Ruben rivers

Elsie ott
Desmond T. Doss Sr. 
Tarea hall Pittman
rigoberto garcia perez (a bracero worker)
Rudolph Davila 
Josephine Kelly Ledesma Walker

2. Create a timeline of their experience during WWII (1941-1945 ONLY)
       - This timeline should involve all IMPORTANT events of the person's WWII experience
       - Please explain what MAKES each event important
       - This timeline should NOT be copied word for word from a website. I'll know and dock you for it

3. Find one PRIMARY source (letter, interview, diary entry, photograph, etc) for this person and print it out in the computer lab (ask for a pass). Annotate this source as you did the letters last week. 
      - Not sure if it's a primary source? Click this link

4. How would THIS person's experience in WWII compare to your own, if you were their age at the time? Would you take the same actions? Would you even be able to? Take into account gender, ethnicity/race, prejudices of the time, etc. 
      - Do this on your own paper
      - Around 1 handwritten page

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Tuesday US Work

(if you have to search for it, the title is "
World War II Part 2 - The Homefront: Crash Course US History #36")

 (Minorities During WWII by matt flynn)

Create a list of the problems facing each of the different minority groups on the home front:

women, hispanic americans, african americans, asian americans

Sunday, March 9, 2014


Click this link. Scroll down the page until you see the posters. 

For each propaganda poster (On your OWN paper):
1.  summarize what it shows (yes, this is helped by the description next to it. try not to copy)
2. What is the PURPOSE of this propaganda poster? What message or value is it trying to convey?

Then, answer the following at the end of your paper:

Based on these posters, what were the priorities of the US govt during WWII? Try to use evidence from the posters.