Monday, February 28, 2011

AP Euro Ch 27

Ch. 27 reading and vocab:

  • Pg. 921-924- Women’s Lives & Nazi Economic Policy
  • Pg.930-931:Soviet Cities & Shortages
  • Pg. 919-920: Police State & Anti-Semitism

1.     German Chancellor who was responsible for ending the Ruhr resistance and controlling inflation
2.     German chancellor who rebuilt Germany’s international reputation
3.     WWI veteran and failed artist who’s charismatic speaking style helped him rise to power in Germany
4.     The bombastic speaker and party leader of Italy, who becomes prime minister by appointment
5.     Political system revolving around anti-democratic measures and centralized authority
6.     German political party led by Hitler, similar to Italy’s but with strong racist undercurrents
7.     The plan the reorganized German reparations with American support
8.     The economic theory, opposite of laissez faire, which push government to spend large amounts of money to return people to work during an economic crisis
9.     The government formed by the British during the great depression, which was made up of liberals, conservatives, and socialists. Strong government control of the economy
10.  The pro-labor socialist/communist government found in France during the depression
11.  The law which allowed Hitler to rule by presidential decree
12.  Hitler’s “thugs”, also known as the brown shirts
13.  Hitler’s more elite “storm troopers”
14.  The set of anti-jewish laws passed by Nazi Germany
15.  Stalin’s efforts to rapidly industrialize the Soviet Union
16.  Stalin’s plan for government control of agricultural production; caused massive starvation
17.  The semi-wealthy farmers who resisted Stalin’s agricultural plans and were sent to labor camps
18.  Hitler’s plan for the removal of Jews from European life and society
19.  The soviet concentration labor camps
20.  Stalin’s efforts to remove rivals and old Bolsheviks with false trials and executions
21.  The soviet efforts to use art to portray a positive soviet society
22.  Hitler’s program to prepare children for future Nazi membership and war
23.  A lack of belief in any religion

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

AP Euro Ch 36 Vocab

Reading and Vocab Ch. 26


  1. Pg. 878-879 “Postwar Economic Problems”
  2. Pg. 900-902 Hitler’s Early Years
  3. Pg. 903-904 Locarno

  1. Soviet secret police
  2. Lenin’s strongly communist (and strongly unpopular) economic policy
  3. Lenin’s revised soviet economic policy, represented a retreat from communist purity
  4. The leader of the Red Army and radical communist; vied for power after Lenin’s death
  5. The brutal Communist party secretary who’s political control won him control of the Soviet Union
  6. The Liberal French political party that rose to power in the 1920’s
  7. A region of Germany who’s industrial strength was used by the French in lieu of reparations payments
  8. The name for France’s alliance with the small Eastern states
  9. The new, socialist liberal political party that rose in Great Britain in the 1920’s
  10. The massive industrial shutdown in Great Britain that demonstrated the growing power of labor.
  11. The name for the new eastern European countries that were created by the Versailles treaty
  12. The ideal that led to a new map of Eastern Europe after Versailles, which pushes for countries to choose their own governments to represent their national interests
  13. The name of the German Govt after WWI
  14. The term used to describe the devaluation of currency
  15. The name of the new German government after WWI

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Presidential Unit DONE!

Unit 1: Presidential Powers
Pre-Reading Unit 1: 392- 400
Article:  One and Two read both and compare in your response.
In class article on presidential powers
Video clips

Unit 2: Structure of the Executive
Pre- Reading: 400- 408
Article Role of Chief of Staff
lecture on structure

Unit 3: Roles of the President (LOOONG UNIT)
Pre-reading 1: 408-416
Pre-reading 2: 416- 430
Article 1: Midterm Myths
Article 2: War Powers Act debate. Two pages
*Note: This article is by the two opposing heads of the Bush and Gore recount campaigns!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Judiciary Unit

Unit 1: Structure of the Courts
District, appellate, supreme courts
Pre-reading: 504-511

Unit 1 Article: Revisiting the Healthcare law in the courts

Unit 2: Judicial Nominations process
Constructionism vs activism
CLUES Article
West Wing'
Backgrounds of judges
Pre-reading: 512-520

Unit 2 Article: Stephen Colbert criticizes judicial constructionism (video)
Transcript sent home.

Unit 3: Courts setting policy

Pre-Reading: 520-527
Unit 3 Article: McDonald V Chicago & Gun Rights

Unit 4:  Former courts
Pre-reading: 527-532

Unit 4 Article: The Roberts Court

AP euro Ch 25 Vocab

PG. 829- Motives for new Imperialism
Pg. 833-835- North Africa, Egypt, Belgian Congo
Pg. 838- 839 Bismarck’s Leadership THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT
Pg. 867: Evaluating the peace
  1. The conquest and domination of a country’s culture, politics, and economy
  2. The three reasons for a country dominating another
  3. The african tribe whose rebellion led to the British obliterating them
  4. The African king who westernized his country rather than be conquered
  5. The rebellious colonial soldiers from India in the British Army
  6. The dynasty responsible for modernizing Japan
  7. The Chinese anti-foreign rebellion
  8. The Chinese leader responsible for westernizing China
  9. The German Chancellor who’s alliance system kept peace in Europe
  10. The German “Kaiser” whose aggressive foreign policy brought Europe closer to War
  11. The alliance between France, Great Britain, and Russia
  12. The alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary, and later, the Ottoman Empire
  13.  The crisis brought about by Germany’s territorial ambitions in Africa
  14. The Austrian Prince whose assassination brought Europe into War
  15. The war zone predominantly characterized by stalemate and Trench Warfare
  16. The war zone predominantly characterized by Russian losses and shortages
  17. The German plan that set that stage for the rest of the war.
  18. The German naval policy responsible for pushing America into war
  19. The Russian rebel who promised “peace, land, and bread”
  20. The “majority” party of soviet socialists that came to power in the Russian Revolution
  21. The treaty that ended WWI... and began WWII
  22. A sum paid by a war’s loser to it’s victor (in this case, Germany to the British/French)

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Judiciary Unit

Pre-reading: 504-511 structure of the courts

More to come...

AP Euro: Ch 24 reading/vocab

Ch 24 Reading and vocab
PG. 796-797: The new reading public
Pg. 802-803- Catholic church and the modern world
Pg. 818-819- Anti-Semitism and the birth of zionism
  1. The idea that human thought progresses in stages, culminating in the development of science
  2. A natural mechanism that favors the reproduction of organisms better suited for their environment.
  3. branching off of science, this idea promotes that some races of PEOPLE are better suited to rule others. 
  4. Otto Von Bismarck’s “cultural struggle” against the influence of Catholic church in Germany
  5. An idea promoted by Einstein that says time and space change in proportion to one another 
  6. A literary movement that attempted to demonstrate the unpleasant aspects of modern life. 
  7. A new movement in the arts that promotes a new aesthetic view of the world. 
  8. An artistic movement that presented to world in a unfocused view of a single moment.
  9. Artists that reject that art must reflect reality
  10. A german philosopher who rejects modern morality and society, instead promoting human life without limits
  11. The father of modern psychoanalysis
  12. The three elements of the human subconscious, according to psychoanalysis
  13.  Man who believed that the creation of social systems and bureaucracy was the driving force in history
  14.  The tendency of some people to look down upon others due to race
  15.  Anti-jewish racism
  16.  A socio-political movement to make women equal in the eyes of the law and sexuality.