Monday, December 13, 2010

Break Work.... email me or post here with questions

Define Key terms on pgs. 137 and 174

1. Explain how the Bill of Rights came to restrict the actions of states, and not just the federal government, and how the incorporation doctrine plays a role in that (102)

2. For each of the civil rights listed below (found in ch. 4), define what it means. Then, Identify the landmark case(s) that provides current interpretation for that civil right (use the "key cases" list at the end of the chapter for guidance). Provide a BRIEF summary of the case. Lastly, provide a modern example of how that right is being applied TODAY.

   Freedom of Religion- establishment clause
   Freedom of Religion- Free Exercise Clause
   Freedom of speech- Prior restraint
   Freedom of expression- Public order
   Free press & fair trials
   Search and Seizure
   Symbolic Speech
   Regulation of Public Airwaves
   Freedom of assembly

   Libel & Slander
   Right of Association

   Right to Counsel
   Cruel and Unusual Punishment

Establishment Clause:  The idea that congress will "make no law respecting an establishment of religion," meaning that it cannot create laws that will promote one religion over another

In Lemon v Kurtzman, the supreme court said that the govt can only give aid to religious schools if they use it for non-religious purposes, doesnt advance religion Or hold it back, and doesnt "entangle" the government, which I take to mean that it can't make religion dependent on the govt, or visa versa. The govt CAN give vouchers to send kids to religious schools by choice, however, as outlined in zelman v simmons-harris. Two other cases, Engel v vitale and abington twp, PA v schempp school prayer and bible readings are prohibited in public schools if it's promoted specifically by the school. Regular, personal prayer is allowed.

3. Read and do the usual thing for each of the articles listed below:
Analysis: Are gun rights a new CIVIL right?

Are the courts ahead of the public on gay rights?

4.  Where is equality found in the constitution? Where have there been examples of INequality?

5. Describe how each affected the cause of racial equality in the US
Scott vs Sandford
13th Amendment
Plessy v ferguson
Brown v Board of Education
Swann v. charlotte-Mecklenberg county schools
Civil Rights act of 1964

6. DEscribe whether and how each advanced to retreated the cause of equal rights to vote:
Fifteenth amendment
24th amendment
poll taxes
white primary
voting rights act of 1965
19th amendment

7. Analyze the ways in which women face or have faced an unequal society. Then, provide evidence that women are progressing against that inequality.

Women were prohibited from voting in the US even after former slaves were given the vote. The Seneca falls declaration established that men held "tyranny" over women, and women began to protest their lack of civic participation. he 19th amendment gave women equal voting rights 72 years later.

 8. Do the usual thing for the following articles:
Equal rights for women treaty faces opposition in the US

Golden Shackles

This second article looks at increasing participation in professional sports by black athletes and reviews a book that argues that despite the wealth that they receive, black athletes do little to nothing to promote civil rights and social equality for African Americans.

NPR interviewed the author here if you can download it or stream it within the webpage. It gives some good background on the book's topic.

As always, this is an argument I want you to analyze and critique, not the truth. This is not an idea espoused by the school or me, but an argument I am hoping will further help you compare and contrast your own beliefs and ideas. It's an OPINION, and not mine. Du calme, Du calme...