Friday, May 22, 2015

AP US History Summer Work

Please click the following link to find the AP US Summer work:


If you have any questions, please email Mr. Hess at or Mr. Higa at 

Assignment is due on the first day of school, regardless of teacher. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

Breakeven Analysis

Here is the analysis. Create a copy in your account, and share that copy with your group members.

ONLY write in the blue sections

Monday, September 1, 2014

The Electoral College

Good morning! First things first, watch this video (we watched it in class):

Electoral College Overview

Arguments for KEEPING the electoral College:

A Short US News & World Reports Article

5 reason to keep it (youtube video)

Arguments for ABOLISHING the Electoral College:

A Short US News & World Reports Article

End the Electoral College (youtube video)

On your whiteboard (or, if you're absent, paper), keep track of the major points of the two sides. 

Once you're done, answer the following question:

Should the states pass the National Popular Vote bill and eliminate the electoral college? (click link for more info) 

Explain your answer, and be sure to address the arguments of the other side.

Friday, May 16, 2014

Friday: Final Civil Rights Essay

Use the evidence from your assignments (found on links on this blog) to answer the following question:

To what extent was violence responsible for the success of the civil rights movement? Provide EVIDENCE to support your answer.

Things to consider:
- Birmingham
-Emmit Till
-Montgomery Bus Boycott
-Malcom X and Martin Luther king Jr. 
-Pre-Civil Rights violence in the south

Here are some classwork photos that may help:

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Thursday 5/15: Birmingham Violence

Use the documents and video below to create a Side by side chart of violent and non-violent actions that took place in Birmingham, AL, in 1963.

Then, on the same sheet, determine which was more effective in Birmingham- Violence or non-violence?

Video: Bull Connor & Birmingham

Documents: Birmingham, 1963